Financial Management /
Meggison, William L.
Financial Management / William L. Megginson, Scott B. Smart and John R. Graham - 3rd ed - Mason : South-Western ; Cengage Learning [distributor] ; Joe Sabatino, 2010 - xli,966p. : coloured ill. : 26cm
Includes bibliography (p875-p907) and Index (p936-p966)
0538745584 9780538745581
658.15 / MEG
Financial Management / William L. Megginson, Scott B. Smart and John R. Graham - 3rd ed - Mason : South-Western ; Cengage Learning [distributor] ; Joe Sabatino, 2010 - xli,966p. : coloured ill. : 26cm
Includes bibliography (p875-p907) and Index (p936-p966)
0538745584 9780538745581
658.15 / MEG